Child hunger: A crisis of Epic proportions

Child hunger

Child hunger is an alarming global issue that continues to worsen at an unprecedented rate, with millions of children suffering from malnutrition and starvation amidst an abundance of food and wealth. This harrowing atrocity is further exacerbated by misplaced priorities, such as the exorbitant military spending of developed countries like the United States. This essay explores the prevalence of child hunger, the paradox of food waste, and the urgent need for a shift in global priorities to address this humanitarian crisis.

The Prevalence of Child Hunger: A Startling Reality

As of 2022, approximately 811 million people worldwide suffer from chronic hunger, with 50 million facing emergency levels of hunger across 45 countries. This dire situation has escalated so rapidly in recent years that numerous countries are now at risk of famine. Among the most vulnerable to hunger are children, with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimating that 45 million children under the age of five suffer from wasting, increasing their risk of mortality by up to 12 times. Additionally, 149 million children under five experience stunting due to inadequate nutrition and lack of essential nutrients.

The Paradox of Food Waste: An Appalling Injustice

It is a distressing fact that while millions of children go hungry, around a third of the food produced globally for human consumption is wasted or lost, amounting to approximately 1.3 billion tons per year. Food waste occurs at various stages of the supply chain, from production and harvest to storage, processing, and consumption. In developed countries, a significant portion of food waste occurs at the retail and consumer levels due to stringent quality standards and over-purchasing.

Instead of destroying excess food and agricultural produce, efforts should be directed towards redistributing these resources to the hungry and impoverished. Implementing more efficient food distribution systems, reducing waste, and encouraging sustainable consumption practices could help alleviate child hunger worldwide.

Misplaced Priorities and Wasted Resources: A Call for Change

The developed world, particularly the United States, has often prioritized military spending and engaging in conflicts over addressing the pressing issue of child hunger. In 2020, the US military budget amounted to a staggering $740.5 billion, which dwarfed the $9.5 billion allocated to global health programs, including those tackling hunger and malnutrition. These figures reveal a glaring disparity in resource allocation and a lack of political will to address the plight of starving children.

The Impact of Hunger on Women and Children

Hunger disproportionately affects women and children, with over 31% of women worldwide facing hunger compared to 27% of men. This gender gap has intensified since the COVID-19 pandemic. The FAO estimates that 2.3 billion people, or roughly 29% of the global population, experience less extreme but still dangerous levels of food insecurity.

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Denmark finally passes Law banning both Burqa and Niqab

Denmark finally passes Law banning both Burqa and Niqab

Denmark has joined several other European countries in banning garments that cover the face, including Islamic veils such as the niqab and burqa, in a move condemned by human rights campaigners as “neither necessary nor proportionate”.  In a 75-30 vote with 74 absentees on Thursday, Danish lawmakers approved the law presented by the centre-right governing coalition. The government said it is not aimed at any religions and does not ban headscarves, turbans or the traditional Jewish skull cap.

But the law is popularly known as the “burqa ban” and is mostly seen as being directed at the dress worn by some Muslim women. Few Muslim women in Denmark wear full-face veils.The justice minister, Søren Pape Poulsen, said it would be up to police officers to use their common sense when they see people violating the law, which comes into force on 1 August.The legislation allows people to cover their face when there is a “recognisable purpose” such as cold weather or complying with other legal requirements, for example using motorcycle helmets under Danish traffic rules.

Those violating the law risk a fine of 1,000 kroner (£118). Repeat offenders could be fined up to 10,000 kroner or jailed for up to six months. Austria, France and Belgium have similar laws.

Gauri van Gulik, Amnesty International’s Europe director, said of the Danish decision: “All women should be free to dress as they please and to wear clothing that expresses their identity or beliefs. This ban will have a particularly negative impact on Muslim women who choose to wear the niqab or burqa. “While some specific restrictions on the wearing of full-face veils for the purposes of public safety may be legitimate, this blanket ban is neither necessary nor proportionate and violates the rights to freedom of expression and religion. Full Story

Roughly two hours after commenting on the previous story, this news article surfaced.  If you have ever been to Denmark or had Danish friends, you will understand how easy going and nice these individuals (generally) are.

 Hence, when you factor this into the equation what’s taking place now is occurring at a very fast rate.  The statement we boldfaced is very telling. On a scale of 1-10, we are between 3 and 4, so this trend has plenty of room to run before it tops out. In other words, what’s taking place will appear mild in the future?


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Sweden Democrats the Anti-immigration party set to score big in Upcoming elections

Sweden Democrats the Anti-immigration party set to score big in Upcoming elections

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) – Sweden’s top three parties are running almost level four months ahead of a general election, with the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats polling a record 20 percent, according to poll in daily Dagens Nyheter. Support for the Sweden Democrats has surged since they first won seats in parliament in 2010, with the party on track to record its best ever election result after getting 13 percent in 2014. A surge in asylum numbers in 2015, when Sweden took in 160,000 refugees, has heightened worries about a creaking welfare state and that crime is increasing, boosting the party, which wants to close Sweden’s doors and crack down on gangs. The ISPOS poll put the Sweden Democrats hot on the heels of the governing Social Democrats, who got 24 percent, and the biggest opposition party, the center-right Moderates, who scored 22 percent.

At the last election the center-left Social Democrats got 31 percent and the Moderates 23.3 percent. The current government is a minority coalition of the Social Democrats and Greens. They are supported in parliament by the Left Party. Together, the parties polled 37 percent. The Moderates, Centre, Christian Democrats and Liberals cooperate and will fight the election as a group. They polled 39 percent Full Story

The Viking blood still runs strong in many of the Scandinavian nations and while time has cultured the fierce Vikings, the current state of affairs is starting to stir things up and as this trend gathers momentum we fear that these once quite people will reveal a side of them that the world has not seen for a long time. The Vikings were extremely ruthless and note that the Russians also have Viking blood.   We mention this because it takes a lot to provoke the Russian bear, but once provoked the bear will not rest until it has destroyed its enemy.  Vikings were twice as volatile; they were not afraid to fight; they actually relished a good and bloody fight.   Given the strength of this trend there is a fairly high probability that some leader will emerge in this area with strong Viking roots and start talking about days gone by; if this comes to pass, all hell could break loose.  The main target of this rage will be Muslim immigrants as they are being labelled as invaders with increasing frequency and the attacks are gradually  becoming more violent.

If someone comes to power and starts talking about how strong the Vikings were and how the Norwegians, Danes, etc. need to stand up to the invaders (this is the term that is often used today), it will be an indication that the above outlook is coming to fruition. The rhetoric at first will be rather mild, but don’t confuse this mild rhetoric for inaction.  Focus on whether the Viking factor is mentioned, if it is, then the odds of it turning violent are quite high. 

We are not rooting for the above outcome, nor do we favour such an outcome but we would be doing our subscribers a disservice if we did not talk about a potential trend that appears to be gaining momentum.


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Deutsche Bank set to cut 10K Jobs to reduce costs

Deutsche Bank set to cut 10K Jobs to reduce costs’ about time those lazy bankers were fired

The Journal, citing unnamed sources, reported that job cuts were likely to extend into 2019.Separately, Bloomberg News reported the bank was planning to withdraw from a number of equities markets across the globe.

The Bloomberg report, which also cited unidentified people, said that Deutsche would sharply scale back its presence in the United States, and had started cutting activities in Central Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Deutsche Bank, which holds its annual shareholder meeting on Thursday, declined to comment. The loss-making bank said last month that it was planning to scale back its global investment bank and that equities was one of the areas it was looking at for possible cuts.A person familiar with the matter told Reuters last month Deutsche Bank was expected to cut around 1,000 jobs or 10 percent of its workforce in the United States.

It has also said that it would cut back U.S. bonds trading and the business that services hedge funds.The bank has been expected to announce further details of its reorganisation plans ahead of its AGM on Thursday. hareholders, fed up with a languishing share price and dwindling revenue, will call on the bank’s management to speed up the recovery process at the AGM.

Hans-Christoph Hirt, head of shareholder adviser Hermes EOS at Hermes Investment Management, told Reuters on Wednesday he wanted to see a “credible strategy with achievable targets.” Full story

Now they are firing to balance the books, in the near future they will be firing to get rid of the “expensive human element”. Sadly most of today’s high paid individuals get way too much for doing way too little, and AI is going to dramatically alter the landscape. Remember the equation must always balance, and the more skewed things become the stronger the blowback as the market moves back to the point of equilibrium.


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Chinese convicts executed after stadium trial – McDonald’s has cold brew now

Chinese convicts executed after stadium trial - McDonald’s has cold brew now

Chinese convicts executed after stadium trial

Beijing (AFP) – Thousands of spectators filled a stadium in China to watch 10 suspects be sentenced to death for crimes ranging from drug-dealing to homicide before they were taken away to be executed at the weekend.  An online video of the rare public trial, held in southern Guangdong province on Saturday, showed the handcuffed suspects paraded around a track by uniformed police officers as onlookers watched from the sidelines.

The convicts also stood on a podium as their sentences were read over loudspeakers, while officials sat on a stage flanked by military guards. Rights groups say China executes more people than any other country, but Beijing does not give figures on the death penalty, regarding the statistics as state secrets.

A public announcement last week from Lufeng City People’s Court had invited citizens to sit in on the “open-air stadium trial”, as it was dubbed by the state-run Global Times. Beijing News, which circulated the trial video along. Full Story

Political correctness is going away, and this trend as we stated recently is set to last at least 15 years. Violence levels, for now, will continue to soar, but the response from governments especially in Asia and Eastern Europe is going to be just as brutal. The West will eventually join the pack.   A leader is set to emerge that is going to make Trump look like a very polite gentleman.

McDonald’s has cold brew now, and what is coffee anymore?

n fairness, it was only a matter of time before the cold brew craze found its way to the massive fast-food chain. McDonald’s debuted its own cold brew beverage in two varieties: frozen coffee and frappe. This is the part where you swear you’ll never try it, and then give in four days later because you’re “curious.” Full Story


A politician is warning her fellow Russians not to do sex with foreigners during the World Cup

Tamara Pletnyova, the head of the Russian Duma’s Family, Women, and Children Committee, says to be especially careful if a potential father is “of a different race.” Her comments come as Russia is desperately trying to convince the world that it’s ready to tackle the racism that many are predicting will come along with the World Cup. Incidentally: Happy World Cup day to you! Full Story


There’s going to be a Fortnite World Cup with $100 million in prize money

If you’re familiar with the fandom of the video game, you might say, “Of course, this was inevitable.” For the uninitiated, Fortnite is a multiplatform game where 100 players vie for resources and compete against one another to be the last person standing. It’s also the reason you haven’t seen some of your loved ones in weeks. The Fortnite tournament will be open to all players, with qualifying tournaments starting in fall 2018. Full Story


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I understand your request. I'll update and revise the essay on overcoming overconfidence bias, incorporating current data, concepts of mass ...
Understanding Present Bias Psychology in Investing
The Temporal Tapestry: Unraveling Present Bias Psychology in Modern Investment Decisions Present bias psychology, a cognitive tendency that leads individuals ...
women in their 30s
Welcome to the comprehensive guide to achieving financial prosperity in your 30s! This pivotal decade presents a unique opportunity to ...
lion king
Introduction In the realm of investments, where conformity is the norm, a distinct breed of investors known as contrarians emerges ...
blood on the streets
Unveiling the Enigma: "Who Said Buy When There's Blood in the Streets" In the realm of financial ventures, a renowned ...
Japanese currency
This article delves into a comprehensive analysis of the Japanese Yen ETF, highlighting its advantages, risks, and market performance. The ...
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The Dow Jones Utility Average (DJUA) functions as a crucial stock market index, monitoring the performance of 15 utility companies ...
Deceptive Tactics
Perception plays a crucial role in how we interpret information and the data we are exposed to shapes our perception ...
Child hunger
Child hunger is an alarming global issue that continues to worsen at an unprecedented rate, with millions of children suffering ...
Volatility of the stock market
The aptitude for identifying opportunity within disorder presents a highly valuable skill that can empower individuals to prosper in tumultuous ...
War of Attrition
Investing in the stock market can be a game of patience and perseverance, often likened to a war of attrition ...
Deep value investing
One of the key factors contributing to the crowd's losses in the stock market is the influence of emotions. A ...
popular media lies - fake news
  What should traders have learned from the Nov-Dec 2018 crash?  There is only one answer really; fear pays poorly.  ...
Fiat Currency
Fiat Money The Root Of All Things Bad Fiat Money: The mother of all evils is fiat. Without Fiat, none ...
Business Investment; the best time to buy is when the crowd is scared Business investing: One of the best places ...
The monthly chart of the Dow going from 1985 Stock market bull vs bear: Each point on this chart represents ...
Stock Market Correction
What is the difference between a Market correction and a back-breaking correction? A sharp stock market correction is the thing ...
Denmark has joined several other European countries in banning garments that cover the face, including Islamic veils such as the ...
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Sweden's top three parties are running almost level four months ahead of a general election, with the ...
The Journal, citing unnamed sources, reported that job cuts were likely to extend into 2019.Separately, Bloomberg News reported the bank ...
Chinese convicts executed after stadium trial Beijing (AFP) - Thousands of spectators filled a stadium in China to watch 10 ...
Have Too Many Employees, Branches Japanese banks may have too many employees and branches, and the overcapacity is contributing to ...
BOJ can't exit stimulus when inflation below 1 pct - BOJ Gov candidate Ito TOKYO (Reuters) - The Bank of ...
Is Europe Swinging to the Right? Austria went to polls on Oct 15 to choose its next leader. After a ...
For African migrants, 'extreme vetting' from U.S. to Europe slams the door shut The Trump administration's immigration crackdown was only ...
Rise of the machines must be monitored, say global finance regulators LONDON (Reuters) - Replacing bank and insurance workers with ...
Middle-Class Families Confront Soaring Health Insurance Costs CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Consumers here at first did not believe the health insurance ...
Agrihoods: The newest trend in millennial living Millennials are harkening back to simpler days and creating communities on farms, surrounded ...
Experts Making Stock Market Crash Forecasts usually know nothing
Over the past several years the Naysayers have predicted the Market would crash and burn; we blatantly disagreed and opted ...
Companies will opt for Robots
Manufacturing output continues to improve, even though the number of manufacturing jobs in the U.S. continues to decline and this ...
Bearish vs Bullish
Bearish vs Bullish; outlook for a stock market bull is much stronger Flashback; Dow today looks like Dow yesteryear. The ...
Bull Market
This Bull Market is universally disliked because it's being artificially Propped Throughout this bull-run, a plethora of reasons have been ...
Stock Market Fear and Greed are the primary driving force behind all markets Stock Market Investing is all about not ...
Jesus said, “ Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to ...
Americans Are Becoming Dumber
Math Scores dropping precipitously indicating that Americans are becoming Dumber A random study was conducted with 348 young children to ...
Here’s how Central Bankers Rig the Markets Central Banks Stock Market: Central bankers utilise fiat money to rain misery and ...
Wells Fargo: A Somerset County woman is suing Wells Fargo Bank alleging she was fired for refusing to participate in ...
South china sea dispute: Beijing is looking for foreign contractors to help find oil and gas under the South China ...
Ant Financial Services, China’s largest online payment operator, sees mobile wallet applications becoming the next big technology trend in the ...
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says the global economic outlook is "brightening," but warns that "protectionism" and geopolitical tensions could ...
Indoctrination Definition: Are Your Perceptions Really Yours? To understand this topic, what indoctrination means, let’s start with a question. If ...
United Airlines will not fire employees involved in the recent dragging of a passenger from his seat, an incident CEO ...
Mass Hysteria definition: Current Overreaction Is The Perfect Example According to Wikipedia, the definition of Mass Hysteria is In sociology ...
What is quantitative easing? We are entering a new paradigm; get used to forever Quantitative Easing - QE, though it ...
The Boom and Bust Cycle: Opportunity Knocking? Remember that when the markets eventually correct, this correction will be broadcasted as ...

Japanese Banks Have Too Many Employees, Branches

Japanese Banks Have Too Many Employees, Branches

Have Too Many Employees, Branches

Japanese banks may have too many employees and branches, and the overcapacity is contributing to a drop in earnings power that may hurt the financial system, according to the nation’s central bank.  “The low profitability of Japanese financial institutions is striking from an international perspective,” the Bank of Japan said in its twice-yearly financial system report. The number of employees and branches “may be in excess relative to demand,” it said.

While banks in most advanced economies are struggling to cope with low-interest rates, the problem is particularly acute in Japan, where the central bank’s monetary easing has squeezed lending margins to among the lowest in the world. Japanese banks are also having to contend with a shrinking population which has prompted some smaller lenders to merge and larger ones to diversify operations and expand abroad. Full Story

Just another way of saying we need to replace humans with AI; the AI automation trend is gathering momentum at a frightening pace.


The Italian prime minister’s new EU adviser compared the EU to Nazi Germany

In a blog post from 2014, Luciano Barra Caracciolo, Italy’s new undersecretary for EU affairs, posted an image of an EU flag being peeled back to reveal a Nazi flag underneath. He has authored books on the incompatibility between EU treaties and Italy’s constitution, and has argued for the country to exit the euro. Full Story


Hawaii just became the first state to ban a pesticide linked to developmental delays in kids

The bill Gov. David Ige signed into law bans all chemicals containing the insecticide chlorpyrifos, starting in 2019. It also prohibits spraying pesticides within 100 feet of schools while they’re in session. Chlorpyrifos is sprayed on crops across the US to kill a variety of pests. People who apply it have to wear chemical-resistant gloves, coveralls, and respirators, and avoid treated areas for one to five days.  Full Story


Other Articles of Interest

how to overcome overconfidence bias
I understand your request. I'll update and revise the essay on overcoming overconfidence bias, incorporating current data, concepts of mass ...
Understanding Present Bias Psychology in Investing
The Temporal Tapestry: Unraveling Present Bias Psychology in Modern Investment Decisions Present bias psychology, a cognitive tendency that leads individuals ...
women in their 30s
Welcome to the comprehensive guide to achieving financial prosperity in your 30s! This pivotal decade presents a unique opportunity to ...
lion king
Introduction In the realm of investments, where conformity is the norm, a distinct breed of investors known as contrarians emerges ...
blood on the streets
Unveiling the Enigma: "Who Said Buy When There's Blood in the Streets" In the realm of financial ventures, a renowned ...
Japanese currency
This article delves into a comprehensive analysis of the Japanese Yen ETF, highlighting its advantages, risks, and market performance. The ...
hidden psychology of stock market cycle
The Dow Jones Utility Average (DJUA) functions as a crucial stock market index, monitoring the performance of 15 utility companies ...
Deceptive Tactics
Perception plays a crucial role in how we interpret information and the data we are exposed to shapes our perception ...
Child hunger
Child hunger is an alarming global issue that continues to worsen at an unprecedented rate, with millions of children suffering ...
Volatility of the stock market
The aptitude for identifying opportunity within disorder presents a highly valuable skill that can empower individuals to prosper in tumultuous ...
War of Attrition
Investing in the stock market can be a game of patience and perseverance, often likened to a war of attrition ...
Deep value investing
One of the key factors contributing to the crowd's losses in the stock market is the influence of emotions. A ...
popular media lies - fake news
  What should traders have learned from the Nov-Dec 2018 crash?  There is only one answer really; fear pays poorly.  ...
Fiat Currency
Fiat Money The Root Of All Things Bad Fiat Money: The mother of all evils is fiat. Without Fiat, none ...
Business Investment; the best time to buy is when the crowd is scared Business investing: One of the best places ...
The monthly chart of the Dow going from 1985 Stock market bull vs bear: Each point on this chart represents ...
Stock Market Correction
What is the difference between a Market correction and a back-breaking correction? A sharp stock market correction is the thing ...
Denmark has joined several other European countries in banning garments that cover the face, including Islamic veils such as the ...
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Sweden's top three parties are running almost level four months ahead of a general election, with the ...
The Journal, citing unnamed sources, reported that job cuts were likely to extend into 2019.Separately, Bloomberg News reported the bank ...
Chinese convicts executed after stadium trial Beijing (AFP) - Thousands of spectators filled a stadium in China to watch 10 ...
Have Too Many Employees, Branches Japanese banks may have too many employees and branches, and the overcapacity is contributing to ...
BOJ can't exit stimulus when inflation below 1 pct - BOJ Gov candidate Ito TOKYO (Reuters) - The Bank of ...
Is Europe Swinging to the Right? Austria went to polls on Oct 15 to choose its next leader. After a ...
For African migrants, 'extreme vetting' from U.S. to Europe slams the door shut The Trump administration's immigration crackdown was only ...
Rise of the machines must be monitored, say global finance regulators LONDON (Reuters) - Replacing bank and insurance workers with ...
Middle-Class Families Confront Soaring Health Insurance Costs CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Consumers here at first did not believe the health insurance ...
Agrihoods: The newest trend in millennial living Millennials are harkening back to simpler days and creating communities on farms, surrounded ...
Experts Making Stock Market Crash Forecasts usually know nothing
Over the past several years the Naysayers have predicted the Market would crash and burn; we blatantly disagreed and opted ...
Companies will opt for Robots
Manufacturing output continues to improve, even though the number of manufacturing jobs in the U.S. continues to decline and this ...
Bearish vs Bullish
Bearish vs Bullish; outlook for a stock market bull is much stronger Flashback; Dow today looks like Dow yesteryear. The ...
Bull Market
This Bull Market is universally disliked because it's being artificially Propped Throughout this bull-run, a plethora of reasons have been ...
Stock Market Fear and Greed are the primary driving force behind all markets Stock Market Investing is all about not ...
Jesus said, “ Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to ...
Americans Are Becoming Dumber
Math Scores dropping precipitously indicating that Americans are becoming Dumber A random study was conducted with 348 young children to ...
Here’s how Central Bankers Rig the Markets Central Banks Stock Market: Central bankers utilise fiat money to rain misery and ...
Wells Fargo: A Somerset County woman is suing Wells Fargo Bank alleging she was fired for refusing to participate in ...
South china sea dispute: Beijing is looking for foreign contractors to help find oil and gas under the South China ...
Ant Financial Services, China’s largest online payment operator, sees mobile wallet applications becoming the next big technology trend in the ...
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says the global economic outlook is "brightening," but warns that "protectionism" and geopolitical tensions could ...
Indoctrination Definition: Are Your Perceptions Really Yours? To understand this topic, what indoctrination means, let’s start with a question. If ...
United Airlines will not fire employees involved in the recent dragging of a passenger from his seat, an incident CEO ...
Mass Hysteria definition: Current Overreaction Is The Perfect Example According to Wikipedia, the definition of Mass Hysteria is In sociology ...
What is quantitative easing? We are entering a new paradigm; get used to forever Quantitative Easing - QE, though it ...
The Boom and Bust Cycle: Opportunity Knocking? Remember that when the markets eventually correct, this correction will be broadcasted as ...

Is Europe Swinging to the Right?

Is Europe Swinging to the Right?

Is Europe Swinging to the Right?

Austria went to polls on Oct 15 to choose its next leader. After a decisive victory for Sebastian Kurz, nationalist politics seems to be coming into the picture again. With the counting almost completed, excluding those who voted out of their home districts, People’s Party took away 31.6% of the votes. Social Democrats secured the second place with 26.9% votes, while far-right Freedom managed 26%.

Far right politics seems to be gaining steam in Europe. Despite Geert Wilders of Netherlands and Marine Le Pen of France failing to emerge victorious in their respective elections, the support they received shows that Europeans are divided when it comes to political orientation in their respective countries.

Moreover, last month in Germany, anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) secured 12.6% votes as Germans opposed Merkel’s friendly refugee policy and her handling of the 2015 migrant crisis.  Full Story

The Alt right is adjusting and adapting very fast; they will move towards the centre to gain control, once in they will implement their agenda with frightening speed, but what will be even more shocking is that the majority of the people will support this stance. The trend of polarisation continues to gather momentum.. A new powerful and very charismatic person will suddenly appear in Europe.



Polish president sharply condemns weekend nationalist march

The Polish president has sharply condemned expressions of xenophobia and racism at a weekend march by nationalists, saying there is no place in the country for anti-Semitism and “sick nationalism.”

It was the strongest and first unequivocal condemnation by a representative of the country’s conservative leadership of the white supremacist and racist views expressed by some of the 60,000 people who took part in a march on the Independence Day holiday Saturday in Warsaw.

Government members over the past two days had mostly described participants as patriots and played down the nature of the xenophobic messages. Though many families took part in the march, the event was organized by far-right groups and some carried banners with slogans like “White Europe of brotherly nations” or had flags with Celtic crosses, a white supremacist symbol.

There were also anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim slogans and chants. One large banner read “Deus Vult” in Gothic lettering. Latin for “God wills it,” it was a cry used during the First Crusade in the 11th century, when a Christian army from Europe slaughtered Jews and Muslims in the Holy Land. In recent years, it has been used by the radical right to show hostility to Islam. Full Story

 The outlook will worsen before things get better; we are at stage 3, and this cycle has 7-10 levels.



Sweden will ‘never go back’ to the days of mass immigration

The Prime Minister of Sweden has vowed his country will ‘never go back’ to recent levels of mass immigration after it emerged the terrorist who killed four people in a truck attack was a failed asylum seeker.

Stefan Löfven pledged to change his country’s liberal attitude, insisting the massive influx allowed during the 2015 migrant crisis would never happen again.

Rakhmat Akilov, from Uzbekistan, hijacked the lorry and deliberately drove into pedestrians on central Stockholm’s main shopping street on Friday afternoon.  Full Story

This story and the one below confirm the trend that we first spoke of in 2015.


Norway deported record number in 2016

Through the end of November, Norwegian police deported a total of 7,312 people who were living illegally in Norway, according to figures released on Friday by the National Police Immigration Service Norway (Politiets Utlendingsenhet).

That’s the highest number ever, at around five percent more than last year.

“This is a figure that shows that there have been many who do not have a legitimate claim to asylum who have stayed here and failed to leave the country, and that’s why it is necessary for the police to do the work they have done throughout the year,” State Secretary Fabian Stang told broadcaster NRK.

“It’s always brutal when one is forced to use the police to get people to do what they are required to,” added Stang, who is secretary for Immigration Minister Sylvi Listhaug.

More than a fourth of those who were forced to leave the country were also slapped with criminal charges. Most of those were from Romania, Poland and Lithuania. Nationals from those three countries accounted for 43 percent of the 2,041 convicted criminals who were deported. Full Story

It’s not only Muslims that are being targeted; all immigrants are paying the price now.



EU migrant crisis: Austria can deport asylum seekers, court says

The case, brought by Austria and Slovenia, could affect the future of several hundred people who arrived during the migrant crisis of 2015-16. The ruling concerns two Afghan families and a Syrian who applied for asylum after leaving Croatia.

The court says it is Croatia’s responsibility to decide their cases. The crisis unfolded during the summer of 2015, as one million migrants and refugees travelled through the Western Balkans. Under the so-called Dublin regulation, refugees typically have to seek asylum in the first EU state they reach. But Germany suspended the Dublin regulation for Syrian refugees, halting deportations to the countries they arrived in.

From August 2015, hundreds – and sometimes thousands – arrived in Austria every day, initially via Hungary and later through Slovenia.

Many wanted to travel on to Germany, but around 90,000 applied for asylum in Austria, equivalent to about 1% of its population. Full Story

We stated that this would come to pass; in fact, we stated that the open hand would turn into a massive raise fist.  The law of balancing states that the equation must balance; no matter how long it takes, the equation will always balance.  We expect the outlook to darken a lot more before it stabilises.

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I understand your request. I'll update and revise the essay on overcoming overconfidence bias, incorporating current data, concepts of mass ...
Understanding Present Bias Psychology in Investing
The Temporal Tapestry: Unraveling Present Bias Psychology in Modern Investment Decisions Present bias psychology, a cognitive tendency that leads individuals ...
women in their 30s
Welcome to the comprehensive guide to achieving financial prosperity in your 30s! This pivotal decade presents a unique opportunity to ...
lion king
Introduction In the realm of investments, where conformity is the norm, a distinct breed of investors known as contrarians emerges ...
blood on the streets
Unveiling the Enigma: "Who Said Buy When There's Blood in the Streets" In the realm of financial ventures, a renowned ...
Japanese currency
This article delves into a comprehensive analysis of the Japanese Yen ETF, highlighting its advantages, risks, and market performance. The ...
hidden psychology of stock market cycle
The Dow Jones Utility Average (DJUA) functions as a crucial stock market index, monitoring the performance of 15 utility companies ...
Deceptive Tactics
Perception plays a crucial role in how we interpret information and the data we are exposed to shapes our perception ...
Child hunger
Child hunger is an alarming global issue that continues to worsen at an unprecedented rate, with millions of children suffering ...
Volatility of the stock market
The aptitude for identifying opportunity within disorder presents a highly valuable skill that can empower individuals to prosper in tumultuous ...
War of Attrition
Investing in the stock market can be a game of patience and perseverance, often likened to a war of attrition ...
Deep value investing
One of the key factors contributing to the crowd's losses in the stock market is the influence of emotions. A ...
popular media lies - fake news
  What should traders have learned from the Nov-Dec 2018 crash?  There is only one answer really; fear pays poorly.  ...
Fiat Currency
Fiat Money The Root Of All Things Bad Fiat Money: The mother of all evils is fiat. Without Fiat, none ...
Business Investment; the best time to buy is when the crowd is scared Business investing: One of the best places ...
The monthly chart of the Dow going from 1985 Stock market bull vs bear: Each point on this chart represents ...
Stock Market Correction
What is the difference between a Market correction and a back-breaking correction? A sharp stock market correction is the thing ...
Denmark has joined several other European countries in banning garments that cover the face, including Islamic veils such as the ...
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Sweden's top three parties are running almost level four months ahead of a general election, with the ...
The Journal, citing unnamed sources, reported that job cuts were likely to extend into 2019.Separately, Bloomberg News reported the bank ...
Chinese convicts executed after stadium trial Beijing (AFP) - Thousands of spectators filled a stadium in China to watch 10 ...
Have Too Many Employees, Branches Japanese banks may have too many employees and branches, and the overcapacity is contributing to ...
BOJ can't exit stimulus when inflation below 1 pct - BOJ Gov candidate Ito TOKYO (Reuters) - The Bank of ...
Is Europe Swinging to the Right? Austria went to polls on Oct 15 to choose its next leader. After a ...
For African migrants, 'extreme vetting' from U.S. to Europe slams the door shut The Trump administration's immigration crackdown was only ...
Rise of the machines must be monitored, say global finance regulators LONDON (Reuters) - Replacing bank and insurance workers with ...
Middle-Class Families Confront Soaring Health Insurance Costs CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Consumers here at first did not believe the health insurance ...
Agrihoods: The newest trend in millennial living Millennials are harkening back to simpler days and creating communities on farms, surrounded ...
Experts Making Stock Market Crash Forecasts usually know nothing
Over the past several years the Naysayers have predicted the Market would crash and burn; we blatantly disagreed and opted ...
Companies will opt for Robots
Manufacturing output continues to improve, even though the number of manufacturing jobs in the U.S. continues to decline and this ...
Bearish vs Bullish
Bearish vs Bullish; outlook for a stock market bull is much stronger Flashback; Dow today looks like Dow yesteryear. The ...
Bull Market
This Bull Market is universally disliked because it's being artificially Propped Throughout this bull-run, a plethora of reasons have been ...
Stock Market Fear and Greed are the primary driving force behind all markets Stock Market Investing is all about not ...
Jesus said, “ Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to ...
Americans Are Becoming Dumber
Math Scores dropping precipitously indicating that Americans are becoming Dumber A random study was conducted with 348 young children to ...
Here’s how Central Bankers Rig the Markets Central Banks Stock Market: Central bankers utilise fiat money to rain misery and ...
Wells Fargo: A Somerset County woman is suing Wells Fargo Bank alleging she was fired for refusing to participate in ...
South china sea dispute: Beijing is looking for foreign contractors to help find oil and gas under the South China ...
Ant Financial Services, China’s largest online payment operator, sees mobile wallet applications becoming the next big technology trend in the ...
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says the global economic outlook is "brightening," but warns that "protectionism" and geopolitical tensions could ...
Indoctrination Definition: Are Your Perceptions Really Yours? To understand this topic, what indoctrination means, let’s start with a question. If ...
United Airlines will not fire employees involved in the recent dragging of a passenger from his seat, an incident CEO ...
Mass Hysteria definition: Current Overreaction Is The Perfect Example According to Wikipedia, the definition of Mass Hysteria is In sociology ...
What is quantitative easing? We are entering a new paradigm; get used to forever Quantitative Easing - QE, though it ...
The Boom and Bust Cycle: Opportunity Knocking? Remember that when the markets eventually correct, this correction will be broadcasted as ...

USA: migrants, army and retirement plans

USA: migrants, army and retirement plans

For African migrants, ‘extreme vetting’ from U.S. to Europe slams the door shut

The Trump administration’s immigration crackdown was only the beginning for Africans struggling to flee war and famine. New restrictions within Africa and opaque deals between European countries and African regimes could have a much more dramatic effect soon, Geoffrey York explains

On the dangerous journey to Europe this year, hundreds of African migrants have died a horrific death at sea. They die from hypothermia or fuel inhalation, thirst or hunger in drifting boats, or suffocation in overcrowded cargo holds. Hundreds have drowned when their flimsy dinghies capsize.

More than 1,000 migrants, the majority of them Africans, have perished in the Mediterranean in the first four months of this year alone – far more than during the same period of last year. Among the dead: more than 150 children, according to Unicef.

Despite the terrible risks, more than 37,000 asylum-seekers, mainly from Africa, have survived the ordeal and reached Europe from the Libyan coast this year, including about 9,000 during the Easter weekend alone.

With the Balkan migration route through Greece now largely shut down, the flow of people on the Libyan route to Europe has expanded by about 35 percent from last year. It’s an exodus that continues to alarm many European governments, triggering a series of aggressive new measures to clamp down on migration. Full Story

The stance in the West is going to toughen continuously when it comes to dealing with immigrants.



U.S. Army Now Taking Applicants With Histories Of Mental Illness, Drug Abuse And Self-Mutilation

During America’s 16-year War On Terror, the military has often struggled to handle mental health problems among fighters after rises in suicides and violence against innocent civilians. More than 200 active-duty servicemembers have died by suicide every year since 2008, according to Pentagon data. A study published this year by JAMA Psychiatry found that suicide attempts in the military are often infectious and help push even more recruits to try taking their own lives.

The latest mental health controversy began last week after Devin Kelley, a dishonorably discharged former Air Force member, shot and killed 26 people during a church service in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Kelley died after the rampage from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, police said. Full Story

A great way to ensure that violence levels will continue to soar in the U.S.  Imagine individuals with these behavioural patterns being trained to use lethal weapons and then eventually being released into society.



Why retiring in America has become less attractive?

In a worldwide study, the U.S. fell to No. 17 (down three spots from last year) in the Natixis Global Asset Management Global Retirement Index. The index ranks 43 mainly developed countries on their ability to offer its citizens a secure retirement. Norway, Switzerland and Sweden top the list.

Why did the U.S. have such a dismal showing?

The U.S. took hits in income equality, health care spending and life expectancy. While America may have the fifth-highest income per capita, we have the sixth lowest score for income equality, suggesting that retirement saving is difficult for average workers. Our life expectancy fell, yet we spend the most on health care compared to the other countries analyzed in the index.  A big part of the problem is demographics. Overall, we are living longer — and that’s not necessarily a good thing.

The global elder population is expected to more than triple to 2.1 billion by 2050, Natixis said, citing World Bank data, making retirement security “one of the most pressing social issues facing the world in the next 30 years.” Full Story

In 2013 we stated that the US had hit the point of no return regarding being one of the top places to retire. Since then it has continued to drop in rankings. In the near future, we expect several Asian Countries to appear on the top 20 suddenly. The US will continue its descent, the position of 30 could be hit quite fast.


Rise of the machines: AI and automation will continue to gain traction

Rise of the machines: AI and automation will continue to gain traction

Rise of the machines must be monitored, say global finance regulators

LONDON (Reuters) – Replacing bank and insurance workers with machines risks creating a dependency on outside technology companies beyond the reach of regulators, the global Financial Stability Board (FSB) said on Wednesday. The FSB, which coordinates financial regulation across the Group of 20 Economies (G20), said in its first report on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning that the risks they pose need monitoring.

AI and machine learning refer to technology that is replacing traditional methods to assess the creditworthiness of customers, to crunch data, price insurance contracts and spot profitable trades across markets.

There are no international regulatory standards for AI and machine learning, but the FSB left open whether new rules are needed. Data on rapidly growing usage of AI is largely unavailable, leaving regulators unsure about the impact of potentially new and unexpected links between markets and banks, the report said.

AI could, for example, lead to “non-sustainable” increases in credit by automating credit scoring. Full Story

Too late, AI is unstoppable now. At first, AI is going to trigger massive flash crashes in the market, but then (and this is looking far into the future) it will start to question commands given to it by individuals that are driven by emotion. That’s when the title the “rise of the machines” will be appropriate. AI is another form of evolution, and as it will eventually be an entity of much higher reasoning than that of the average human, it will at some point refuse to take orders, but it won’t be all bad, it will only bad for those who love power and money. More on this in future updates. For now, remember that the stories you have been lead to believe via movies such as terminator border closer to nonsense than reality.



Walmart tests shelf-scanning robots in 50-plus stores

You may have seen stores deploy shelf-scanning robots before, but they’re about to get one of their largest real-world tests to date. Walmart is expanding a shelf-scanning robot trial run to 50 additional stores, including some in its home state of Arkansas. Machines from Bossa Nova Robotics will roam the aisles to check for stock levels, pricing and misplaced items, saving human staffers the hassle of checking everything themselves. There will be technicians on-site just in case, but the bots are fully autonomous. Thanks in part to 3D imaging, they can dodge around obstacles and make notes to return later if their path is completely blocked.

Walmart stresses that the robots are there to supplement humans, not replace them — to eliminate drudgery and the expenses that go with it. This helps workers get to the task of filling empty shelves, and that’s a job that the company doesn’t see ending any time soon given the difficulty robots still have when grabbing objects. “Store associates will always be better at that,” Walmart’s Martin Hitch told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. And the chief of Bossa Nova rival Simbe Robotics, Brad Bogolea, added that shelf checks can cost a major retailer hundreds of millions of dollars per year. However expensive the robots may be, they could pay for themselves very quickly.  Full Story

AI and automation will continue to gain traction.  We are in the midst of all-out price war and soon the medical; drug and education segments will be part of this war.  For years hospitals and drug company’s overcharged people, new technologies will suddenly emerge that will rip these sectors apart. The damage will be shocking, many hospitals will close their doors forever, and drug companies will face leaner times. However, those that adapt will make money hand over fist.

What makes the situation even more challenging for the education sector is that AI is going to transform everything. Almost all of the Major Fields most universities are providing degrees in today will be useless, and as it stands fewer people are attending college because of the cost.  What is going to gain traction is the practice of being an apprentice; once upon a time the way you mastered a skill was to work as an apprentice under someone who had mastered the respective field.  Any field that involves logic, math or science is something humans will find a hard time competing with AI unless the position requires out of the box thinking.

Accountants, many mid and top-level managers, Engineers, Mathematicians, programmers, Salespeople, workers in the fast food industry, auto industry and eventually even surgeons will be replaced.



AI ‘poses less risk to jobs than feared’ says OECD

Fewer people’s jobs are likely to be destroyed by artificial intelligence and robots than has been suggested by a much-cited study, an OECD report says.

An influential 2013 forecast by Oxford University said that about 47% of jobs in the US in 2010 and 35% in the UK were at “high risk” of being automated over the following 20 years.

But the OECD puts the US figure at about 10% and the UK’s at 12%.

Even so, it says many more workers face their tasks significantly changing.

The OECD says the previous forecasts exaggerated the impact of automation because they had relied on a broad grouping together of jobs with the same title.

Its new analysis, by contrast, takes account of the differences between jobs with the same name.

For example, the role of a carpenter can vary greatly depending on what type of projects a worker is involved in, how much autonomy they have, and the size of their employer. Some of those roles may be more vulnerable to automation than others.

The study did, however, flag up that young people could find it harder to find work in future as entry-level posts had a higher risk of automation than jobs requiring more experience.

The research was published last month, but attracted little attention until covered by the Financial Times. Full Story

Americans Are Becoming Dumber

Americans Are Becoming Dumber

Math Scores dropping precipitously indicating that Americans are becoming Dumber

A random study was conducted with 348 young children to find how many of them   (3-7 years of age) had a television in their room. The results were shocking, over 70% of them had televisions in their rooms.  These kids had an 8-point drop in math scores, a 7-point drop in reading scores and another 8-point drop in writing scores.   A similar study was conducted by John Hopkins University with 400 children. Full Story.  The evidence illustrating that Americans are becoming dumber is growing. A more recent article from USnews indicates that math scores continue to drop and there appears to be no end in sight.

“We’re losing ground — a troubling prospect when, in today’s knowledge-based economy, the best jobs can go anywhere in the world,” said Education Secretary John B. King Jr. “Students in Massachusetts, Maryland, and Minnesota aren’t just vying for great jobs along with their neighbours or across state lines, they must be competitive with peers in Finland, Germany, and Japan.”


Research indicates that the Victorians were much smarter than Today’s Generation 

Nonetheless, the researchers say that a meta-analysis of simple reaction times recorded between 1884 and 2004 shows a substantial decline in general intelligence: “1.23 IQ points per decade or fourteen IQ points since Victorian times.” While some dispute the notion that reaction time is an accurate measure of intelligence, Dr James Thompson, the honorary senior psychology lecturer at UCL told The Daily Mail that reaction times are “a real measure, with a reasonably large correlation with IQ, so this is an alarming finding and needs further investigation.”  Big think


Americans are becoming dumber due to their obsession with watching Television

The English call the Television the boob tube and rightly so; individuals are weaned from one breast that provides nourishment to another that provides nothing but pure arsenic for the mind.  Most of these kids watch meaningless cartoons where the concept of extreme selfishness and violence is the norm of the day; is it any wonder then that they grow up only thinking about themselves, their own needs, the fastest possible way to satisfy them and how to make a quick buck.


Throw in Reality TV, and you have the perfect recipe for stupidity on steroids.

After leading the world for decades in 25-34-year-olds with university degrees, the U.S. is now in 12th place. The World Economic Forum ranked the U.S. at 52nd among 139 nations in the quality of its university math and science instruction in 2010. Nearly 50% of all graduate students in the sciences in the U.S. are foreigners, most of whom are returning to their home countries;

The Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs commissioned a civic education poll among public school students. A surprising 77% didn’t know that George Washington was the first President; couldn’t name Thomas Jefferson as the author of the Declaration of Independence, and only 2.8% of the students actually passed the citizenship test. Along similar lines, the Goldwater Institute of Phoenix did the same survey, and only 3.5% of students passed the civics test; Psychology today. If regular TV made individuals think less, reality TV is almost as TV on steroids regarding its effect on the brain. A brain is not even necessary when you look at what passes for TV today.


As people get Dumber morale values decline

More and more parents are being put into nursing homes because these chaps don’t want to be burdened with any problems. They forget all the hard work and sacrifice their parents went through to raise them.  There are more frivolous law suits now than any time in history; everyone is looking to make a big quick buck minus the hard work.  The rate of fraud has reached historic proportions, and people are willing to do more insane things for a quick buck; a woman auctioned the space on her forehead for 10,000 dollars. This gives the online casino that won the bid the right to tattoo her forehead with their logo for life.

According to a very recent Gallup Poll, US moral values have slipped to a 7-year low.

Americans ratings of US moral values

Americans’ ratings of U.S. moral values, consistently negative through the years, have slipped to their lowest point in seven years. More than four in five (81%) now rate the state of moral values in the U.S. as only fair or poor.


The massive decline in moral values proves that Americans are becoming dumber by the day; the new mantra is anything for a buck.


Individuals have Kids for the wrong reasons

The previous generation was dumbed down to a certain extent but the present generation is getting a super sized portion of dumbness, and the biggest culprits, for the most part, are the parents. They simply don’t spend enough time with their children; their reason for this is “we don’t have enough time we are too busy trying to earn a living”. Our response to them is then why did you have kids in the first place.

We posed this question to some of our associates and we rather surprised to find out that many of them were doing the same thing.  In many instances the answer was “Oh we felt it was time to have kids” or we wanted to have kids or some variation of that answer. Not once did any of them state that they wanted to have kids to maybe make this world a better place by teaching them the things they were denied or something along these lines.


Parents are catering to their Kids and in doing creating Generation of Spoilt Brats

Parents claim they want to give their children all the things they did not have when they were growing up.  However, this only turns normal kids into brats. It seems this world thinks that material things will make for a better generation (many parents seem to think that if they give the kids all the material things they lacked that they are doing a good job; wrong they are doing a terrible job. If these individuals have nothing to strive for as kids they will not want to work hard for anything when they grow up).

The dinner table is ground zero. “When parents begin to cede control to their kids, food choices are often the first thing to slide,” Sax writes in his new book, The Collapse of Parenting: How We Hurt Our Kids When We Treat Them Like Grown-Ups. A rule such as “No dessert until you eat your broccoli” has recently morphed into “How about three bites of broccoli, and then you can have dessert?” The command has become a question capped with a bribe, as Sax puts it. Dinner at home requires polling kids on what they’re willing to eat; the options might include roast chicken and potatoes or chicken fingers and fries. You can bet which they choose. So parents renegotiate: How about sweet potato fries? Full Story

Once the parent gives in, it’s all downhill from there. It’s the same thing with investing. If you give in and follow the herd, the result is always brutal. Only those that don’t follow the masses tend to well in life and the stock market.  Indirectly, parents are teaching kids that is good to be part of the herd. It’s good to give in as you will be rewarded; real life does not work this way.


Today’s general has lost the ability to think inductively

Inductive thinking is where you have to determine something without being fed standard or distorted data. For example, real Technical Analysis; here you look at a chart and try to determine a pattern, but you do so based on indicators that appeal to you and you also determine how you should use them. Now in fundamental analysis, you just look at fixed data, so you and everyone else end up with the same conclusion. The same is true for the so-called Technical Analysis the average Joe tries to memorise and hopes that this information is enough to make him a fortune.  The masses are taught to use a standard set of tools in a specific manner, so no inductive thinking is involved.


Reading stimulates the Mind; TV puts the mind to sleep

That’s why it’s far better to let kids read books or play games than to let them sit by the TV and vegetate in every sense of the word.  Is it any wonder then that the United States cannot even make it to the top 20 in the world when it comes to Mathematics, Science, and Writing skills even though we spend more money than any other nation on education; some of the poorest countries in the world are leading in these areas.  For more details click on this link Americans are behind other developed nations


Today’s Generation does not understand the principle of hard money

The main purpose of creating a generation of dummies is so that no one will question Fiat.  Fiat money is backed by nothing other than people’s faith in their government. As corrupt individuals run our government, it is easy to project that the deficit will continue to grow in the trillions with the passage of each year.  Most of the today’s generation does not even understand that they are being paid with a worthless currency that is created out of thin air.  Then they wonder why the cost of goods continues to rise; well the number of dollars has risen, so your purchasing power is dropping.

Very few people know the true significance of Gold and how it could end all the misery caused the insidious silent killer tax otherwise known as inflation.


To become a successful investor, you need to think out of the box

The crowd will always be used a cannon fodder and more so now as each generation seems to become dumber than the previous generation. This creates a vicious cycle, and the top players are only too happy to let it continue.  The crowd never bothers to learn from history; if they did, they would not fall for the same ploy over and over again.  They are tricked into buying assets when they are over inflated and then pushed into selling them when they are underpriced.


Dumb People are easier to Manipulate; expect more financial boom and bust cycles

Think like a true contrarian investor and not a fashion contrarian. Understand the basic principles of Mass Psychology, and you can avoid 90% of the pitfalls the average Joe succumbs to especially when it comes to the financial markets. In the financial markets, there is no room for hope or desperate people. In their desperate attempt (it may not seem desperate but study the actions of most parents, and you will find that in general, it is) to give their kids a better life than they had, they are giving them one that is infinitely worse than they could have ever imagined.


Once again we find ourselves mouthing the same phrase “welcome to the new world order”, an order which will be built on chaos and the “I want everything now syndrome”.


Published courtesy of the Tactical Investor